Breast Augmentation
Achieving Confidence with Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation, commonly referred to as a “boob job”, is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing and enhancing the size and appearance of the breasts through the placement of breast implants.
These implants typically consist of a silicone outer shell filled with silicone gel or saline solution. They are strategically placed to augment the breast size and improve its shape and appearance. Incisions are commonly made along the infra-mammary fold at the bottom of the breast, but other options include periareolar (around the areola) or transaxillary (from the armpit).
Patient preferences vary, with some seeking a subtle enhancement while others desire a more
significant increase in size or a fuller, more augmented appearance. Additionally, some patients may have experienced loss of breast volume along with breast tissue laxity (ptosis) and may benefit from a combination of breast implants and a breast lift (Augmentation Mastopexy).
Choosing breast implants involves careful consideration of various factors, and Dr. Jones is available to address any questions and discuss personalized options.
For further insights and considerations, feel free to explore our post on Breast Augmentation.